Lothian Cemetery | Lothian Cemetery Horror Story


Lothian Cemetery was built in 1808, but who exactly built it is a bit of a mystery. There are two main possibilities:

The British East India Company: This was a powerful trading company from Britain that ruled parts of India during that time. They made cemeteries for their officials and soldiers, so it’s likely they made Lothian Cemetery too.

The local Christian community: Some people say that the cemetery was first used by Christians in Delhi from 1808 to 1867. They might have built it themselves, but it’s also possible that the British East India Company helped or allowed them to use it.


What is the story of Lothian Cemetery?

Deep in the city, hidden from its noisy heart, lay Lothian Cemetery. It seemed peaceful, with tall trees and quiet paths, but whispers swirled about spooky things that happened after dark. People said ghosts of folks buried there wandered around, their voices carried on the night wind like secrets.

One tombstone, at the very edge, belonged to a rich merchant who died mysteriously. Folks claimed his spirit roamed, angry and looking for payback if anyone bothered his grave. Only the bravest dared to enter the cemetery at night, and even then, chills ran down their spines. Strange sounds followed them, and the air felt heavy with something unseen.



Giggles to Screams| A Night of Terror at Lothian Cemetery

One night, a group of friends, all full of giggles and courage, decided to spend the night there, searching for proof of the haunting. They joked and walked between the tombstones, trying to ignore the growing creepiness.

But as the moon shone its brightest, fear replaced their laughter. Shadows flickered around them, whispers snaked through the dark, and then… a terrifying scream ripped through the night, coming from the merchant’s grave.

Frozen with terror, the friends ran, never to look back. Lothian Cemetery stayed a mystery, its secrets held tightly by the spirits who called it home.


Why is it called a cemetery?

The word “cemetery” comes from a cool Greek word, “koimeterion,” which means “sleeping place.” Isn’t that interesting? Cemeteries are like giant beds where people rest forever, like taking a super long nap.


Lothian Cemetery location

The full address of Lothian Cemetery is Lothian Road, Kashmiri Gate, Delhi, India.



Lothian Cemetery is super old and full of secrets. No one knows exactly who built it, but it’s a cool place to remember folks who aren’t around anymore. Some people say ghosts hang out there, but even without ghosts, it’s a quiet spot to think about life and the people who came before us. So next time you’re feeling curious, maybe check out Lothian Cemetery – it’s a place with a story to tell.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is Lothian Cemetery haunted?

A: People tell scary stories about Lothian Cemetery being haunted, but there’s no real proof. It’s just an old and quiet place, which can make some people feel spooked. But that doesn’t mean there are ghosts! It’s still a cool spot to visit and learn about history.

Q: Who is buried in Lothian Cemetery?

A: Lots of different people from history are buried there! Some might have been famous, while others were regular folks. It’s interesting to think about all the lives that came before us.

Q: Can I visit Lothian Cemetery?

A: It depends! Some cemeteries are open to the public for exploring and learning. Others might have rules or be closed off. It’s always good to check before you plan a visit.

Q: What’s the coolest thing about Lothian Cemetery?

A: Well, that’s up to you! Maybe it’s the old tombstones, the stories from the past, or just the quiet atmosphere. Everyone finds different things interesting, so go check it out and see what catches your eye.

Q: What can I learn from visiting Lothian Cemetery?

A: You can learn about history, different cultures, and even a bit about yourself! Cemeteries are like outdoor history museums, full of clues about the past. You can also think about life and death, and how everyone’s journey ends up in a place like this.


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