Hindon River | Haunted Hindon River | The Real One


The Hindon River starts its journey from the Shivalik Hills in the Himalayas, right in the Saharanpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India.

It travels a long way – about 400 kilometers (that’s around 250 miles) – passing through different districts before it meets up with the Yamuna River at Noida.

What’s cool about the Hindon is that it gets all its water from rain. Unlike some other rivers that have glaciers or snow to keep them flowing all the time, the Hindon relies completely on rain. This means its water levels can change a lot depending on the season.


Shadows Stretch | Beyond the Sunlight | The Eerie Allure of the Hindon at Night

The Hindon River is pretty cool during the day. Sunshine dances on the water, birds sing in the trees, and it’s a fun place to play. But once the sun sets and shadows stretch long, things get a little spooky.

People say there’s something strange living in the river after dark. Some call it a ghost, some call it a shadow, but everyone agrees it gives them the shivers! Most folks stay away when it’s dark, but if you’re brave enough to wander near the water, maybe you’ll catch a glimpse of something mysterious… But be careful! If you see something spooky, run back home super fast.




The tales of the ghostly presence haunting the banks of Hindon River have sparked curiosity and fear among locals and visitors alike. Whether true or not, the eerie stories add a chilling mystery to the river’s reputation. In conclusion, the legend of Hindon’s haunting continues to captivate imaginations, leaving lingering questions unanswered.


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Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Is it true the River cries at night?

Many folks swear the Hindon moans like a lost soul after sunset. Some say it’s the Drowned Queen weeping for her stolen crown, while others believe it’s the river itself, mourning all it’s swallowed up over the years. Either way, the sound sends shivers down your spine if you’re close enough to hear it!

  1. Have people really seen ghostly figures around the river?

Oh, you wouldn’t believe the stories! Shadows that flit through the reeds, eyes glowing in the moonlight, even spectral carriages rumbling along the banks. Some say it’s the Ferryman collecting lost souls, while others claim it’s restless spirits playing tricks on the living. Whatever it is, nobody gets too close to the water after dark if they can help it.

  1. What about those strange lights dancing on the surface?

Fireflies, some say. But others tell you those are the souls trapped in the river, their watery flames flickering in the darkness. They call them “Drowned Lanterns,” and they say if you see one, it means bad luck is coming your way. Best to look the other way if you ask me!

  1. I heard whispering near the old bridge. Is that just the wind?

The wind might play a part, but some folks swear they hear voices carried on the breeze, whispering secrets and warnings. Some say it’s the Drowned Woman searching for her child, while others believe it’s the river itself, speaking of things long forgotten. Whatever it is, those whispers make your skin crawl!

  1. So, should I just stay away from the Hindon altogether?

That’s up to you. The daytime is beautiful, with birds singing and sunshine shimmering on the water. But if you’re the curious type, remember – respect the river’s spirit. Don’t wander too close at night, and maybe leave a little offering – flowers for the Queen, coins for the Ferryman. They say it keeps the ghosts at bay, or at least keeps them happy. Maybe then, the Hindon River will let you leave with just a good scare and a story to tell.


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