I Love You | True Love Story | Trust People But Within Limits

I Love You

  I Love You | True Love Story | Trust People But Within Limits




I love you” these words had made Justin’s heart melt and so he was in love with Shyna for 3 years.

Shyna was 24 years old catholic girl coming from a middle-class family. Justin was her boyfriend and he had started working on the ship after struggling to find a job in a good shipping company.

Justin’s age was 30 years and he had an aged mother. His mother with all the difficulties in life raised him and provided the necessary education by sacrificing a lot in life.

He had lost his father in a car accident when he was only 10 years old.



I Love You


I Love You, Continues….


Justin was madly in love with Shyna, she was his very close neighbour. They had decided to get married after Justin‘s present contract gets completed.

Starting from his first trip on the ship he used to transfer all his salary directly to Shyna. He was trusting her and believed that she is saving all the money for their future. He never questioned her and trusted her more than his mother.


Church Priest Visits Justin’s House


One day the church priest came to visit his house and met Justin’s mother. The priest was a bit sad to see his mother in poorly state and enquired with her as to what was bothering her.

She was hesitant to speak initially the truth but since he was their church priest she began telling him her story.


Mother Tells the Priest Her Sorrows


“Father, I had done everything possible for my son. With all the struggles in life, I had made sure that my son reached the level where he wanted to be”.

But now my son has changed, he is not caring about me anymore. He does not even send money for my medications and for my food expenses. She continued “Father, you see that house in the front”, they give me food and they take care of me.

Father was shocked, he promised the lady that he will do his best to help her. The priest (Father) went across to the neighbour’s house and took some information about Justin and left.

The priest after a day or so-called Justin on his mobile number and asked him why he is not sending money to his mother.

Justin was prompt to reply, he said “father my mother is old and now her memory is becoming poor, she cannot remember anything”

He continued further, “father she even cannot remember where she keeps the money” and so I send all the money to my girlfriend so that she can save them for our future.

After their discussion father kept the phone as he found that Justin was adamant.


Justin Arrives Home After Contract


After completing his 6 months contract on the ship, Justin came home to India and as Justin had arranged with Shyna they both got married within a month.

They had a reasonable wedding not so lavish as one would expect.


The Twist – I Love You


After the wedding ceremony got completed Justin and Shyna were extremely tired. The next day as per Christian rituals there was another ceremony to be held in the girl’s family.

After completing the ceremony at Shyna’s house, the next day Justin and Shyna came home.

Justin’s mother looked unhappy with their marriage but she had no say in anything.

The day turned to night and night turned today. Justin got up early morning and found Shyna, not on the bed.

He waited for some time but again he fell asleep. Later when it became a very bright morning he got up suddenly and to his surprise, he could not find Shyna on the bed or in the kitchen or anywhere in the house.


Shyna Missing


Shyna was not anywhere around, after contacting all the people it was confirmed that Shyna was in love with another guy and as planned she eloped with her ex-boyfriend. She never turned up again.




Trust people but within the limits, expect the un-expectations in life and be prepared for the twists. That’s part of life. We all learn from mistakes.


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Author: Storyhub